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Maria Ressa. 29264 likes · 4 talking about this. Idealist. Cynic. Pragmatist. Journalist. Author. CEO, Rappler.
Maria Ressa. 29.263 Synes godt om · 3 taler om dette. Idealist. Cynic. Pragmatist. Journalist. Author.CEO, Rappler
Teknologirådets direktør: Hatefull tale gir Facebook vekst – NRK
11. des. 2021 — Maria Ressa har skrevet en serie artikler om hvordan Facebooks algoritmer påvirker demokratiet på Filippinene. Hun har selv blitt utsatt for …
Fredsprisvinneren gikk i strupen på Facebook – NRK
10. des. 2021 — Fra Nobel-talerstolen, med verdens øyne rettet mot seg, tok Maria Ressa et kraftig oppgjør med sosiale medier og Facebook.
Philippine Nobel winner Ressa calls Facebook ‘biased …
Philippine Nobel winner Ressa calls Facebook ‘biased against facts’ | Reuters
9. okt. 2021 — MANILA, Oct 9 (Reuters) – Nobel Peace Prize winner Maria Ressa used her new prominence to criticise Facebook as a threat to democracy, …
Nobel Peace Prize winner Maria Ressa used her new prominence to criticise Facebook as a threat to democracy, saying the social media giant fails to protect against the spread of hate and disinformation and is “biased against facts”.
Maria Ressa: If you fight for facts, don’t quit Facebook – Rappler
Maria Ressa: If you fight for facts, don’t quit Facebook
for 4 døgn siden — MANILA, Philippines – Nobel laureate and Rappler CEO Maria Ressa wants you to stay on Facebook, despite all its problems with disinformation …
‘If people who want facts leave social media, what happens to the people who stay on social media?’ says the Nobel Peace Prize winner and Rappler CEO
The Nobel Prize Winner Maria Ressa on the Turmoil at …
The Nobel Prize Winner Maria Ressa on the Turmoil at Facebook | The New Yorker
1. nov. 2021 — Ressa is also a co-founder of what’s called the Real Facebook Oversight Board, a group of expert observers and critics who are not affiliated …
Ressa, a Filipino American journalist, discusses the latest revelations of the social network’s failure to control disinformation and hate.
Maria Ressa til Medier24: Støtter NRKs valg om å forlate …
31. mai 2022 — Fredsprisvinner Maria Ressa mener NRK Nyheter har tatt det riktige valget når de forlater Facebook.
Facebook is ‘biased against facts’, says Nobel prize winner
Facebook is ‘biased against facts’, says Nobel prize winner | Facebook | The Guardian
9. okt. 2021 — The campaigning Philippines journalist Maria Ressa, who was last week awarded the Nobel peace prize, has launched a stinging attack on …
Philippines journalist Maria Ressa says social media firm is threat to democracy and failing to halt spread of misinformation
How Facebook, and friends of friends, brought down democracy
Opinion: How Facebook, and friends of friends, brought down democracy – The Globe and Mail
25. nov. 2022 — Maria Ressa is CEO, co-founder and president of Rappler, the Philippines’ top digital news site, and was the co-recipient of the 2021 Nobel …
If Facebook had taken its gatekeeping responsibilities as seriously as the journalists they took them away from, the world would be in a far better place today
Fredsprisvinner rettet skytset mot techgiganter som Facebook
Nobels fredspris, Maria Ressa | Fredsprisvinner rettet skytset mot techgiganter som Facebook
10. des. 2021 — Vi må få snudd hatet, sier nobelprisvinner Maria Ressa.
– Vi må få snudd hatet, sier nobelprisvinner Maria Ressa.
Keywords: maria ressa facebook